Doodlebob and the magic pencil game pc
Doodlebob and the magic pencil game pc


It Came from the Fridge: SpongeBob's first attempt at cooking a Krabby Patty in Plankton's kitchen sprouts an arm and tries crawling out of the oven.Imagine Spotting: SpongeBob imagines Plankton escaping his thought bubble to try to steal the Krabby Patty he's holding, then swats him with a flyswatter.


  • Hostage for MacGuffin: In an interesting variation, the hostage here effectively is the MacGuffin, knowing how to make a Krabby Patty, so Plankton would effectively get the formula without owning it physically.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: We don't actually see SpongeBob's brain being removed before Plankton puts it in the robot, and we don't ever see SpongeBob when the robot is present.
  • Gone Horribly Right: SpongeBob's requests for Plankton eventually lead him to become a spoiled brat.
  • I've got it! To get to the SpongeBob, I'll show him compassion and understanding. Plankton: Will you be quiet, Karen? I'm thinking. Karen: The answer is obvious: to get to the SpongeBob, you must show him compassion and understanding.
  • Glad I Thought of It: This marks the start of the Running Gag where Karen comes up with a plan to get the formula, but Plankton dismisses her as interrupting or being random, or acts like he doesn't understand or it's not important, then he says the exact same idea.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: RoboBob is reading a comic book with pictures of SpongeBob, Patrick and Squidward.
  • Foreshadowing: Karen tells Plankton putting SpongeBob's brain in the robot "never works", foreshadowing what the robot will do later on in the episode.
  • Krabs quickly pockets the sign before his nemesis can see it, allowing the fast food joint to resume operations. Seeing that Plankton's finally given up, Mr. Krabs with the desperate plea to give SpongeBob back. However, he fails to notice the sign that reads "Out of Business" when he approaches Mr.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Funnily enough, Plankton's forceful control of SpongeBob did nearly cause Mr.
  • You see, I always get what I want." is itself a statement lacking awareness, and his subsequent tantrum over SpongeBob still refusing to follow his orders just further adds to the irony.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Plankton's line "You shouldn't have been a spoiled brat.
  • Plankton revealing that he cheated in poker is akin to Plankton lying in court to get custody. Krabs losing a custody battle in a divorce. Krabs losing SpongeBob to Plankton as Mr.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Apparently, a few viewers saw Mr.
  • Plankton: All these tears.and the showtunes?

    doodlebob and the magic pencil game pc

    It is Lampshaded by Plankton when he watches the action via Karen.

  • Distant Duet: “This Grill Is Not a Home”, where SpongeBob and Mr.
  • Lampshaded by Karen who warned him earlier that such schemes "never work". It does not occur to him that this did not change SpongeBob's personality or attitude, and so his robot self remains lazy and disobedient.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Plankton ultimately resorts to implanting SpongeBob's brain in a robot when he refuses to take any orders from Plankton.

    While having his brain implanted into a robot failed, this look is enough to get Spongebob to very nervously backtrack and offer to work the whole day free of charge. Death Glare: When Spongebob acts as cocky and spoiled around Mr Krabs, he gets an indignant look.Krabs that he cheated at their game of poker, which led to the consequences of being driven crazy by SpongeBob's rebellious attitude. Cheaters Never Prosper: Near the end, Plankton admitted to Mr.Buffy Speak: When SpongeBob sees Plankton's replica of the Krusty Krab's kitchen, he points out the details with their exact descriptions, but when he points out a life preserver ring wall decor, he only refers to it as "that thing".This backfires as his personality remains unchanged.

    doodlebob and the magic pencil game pc

    Brain Theft: When Plankton is sick of SpongeBob being a Lazy Bum he straight up removes his brain and sticks it in a robot.It is revealed at the end that Plankton (who was supposed to be terrible at poker) cheated in the game where Mr.

    doodlebob and the magic pencil game pc

    A boss that is apathetic to his subordinates and/or does everything for them is not. A boss that cares about his subordinates and encourages them to do their job is a boss worthy of respect. An Aesop: Discipline is important, but it shouldn't be abused.The robot after earning SpongeBob's brain just becomes him, exhibiting the exact same behaviors that got the brain removed in the first place. Is a Crapshoot: Plankton builds a robot to cook Krabby Patties because he thinks robots will never disobey their masters' orders. Welcome to the Chum Bucket contains examples of. Krabs' ace-in-the-hole working for him, it doesn't take long for him to get fed up by SpongeBob's attitude. While Plankton is initially ecstatic to finally have Mr. Krabs loses SpongeBob to Plankton in a game of cards, so now he must work at the Chum Bucket.

    Doodlebob and the magic pencil game pc